A downloadable Program for Windows

(this is the program I said I would release in the post)

I've Finally Released it.

I'm probably the first person to upload this program on itch.io!


CryptoCat Presents To You.......

CRYPTVMARE.. a program where you can simulate operating systems with a bootable iso file.

Picture if you wanted to upgrade to Windows 11 on an old Windows 10 computer with zero capability. WELL, NOW YOU CAN!

Here I'll be talking about how this is better than VMware and VirtualBox:

  • Faster Virtual Machine Installation - it normally takes about 5 minutes to create a hard disk on Cryptvmare! Compared to VMware that usually takes 10 minutes
  • Boot-up time - when you have set up Windows without a password on your user it takes 10 seconds to boot, depending on how many apps you have installed on the VM (Virtual Machine)
  • Easier Interface - Using Cryptvmare you have the choice of: creating, starting and deleting which is easy. Compared to VirtualBox you can create passwords, enable efi and you can customise the hard disk options which makes the user pretty confused even me because I don't know what the hell activating efi does. Do you? All you have to do in my program is input the amount of storage in the hard disk and input the amount of memory.

Since I told you have my program is better compared to VMWare and VirtualBox, let's talk about the features we offer in my program.

  • Internet Access - in my program, you can choose what connection type you want your VM to connect to: Ethernet, or Wireless. Instead of using one, you can choose the option because what if the user doesn't have an Ethernet Connection or what if the user thinks "I'm going to choose Ethernet because I think it's faster." so in my opinion just choose what you think is best. Warning before you select one make sure you're connected to a wireless or Ethernet Connection. This means that you can connect to the internet on the VM
  • Copy And Paste Text - In My program, If you are using Windows 8/10/11 then you can copy and paste text from your real computer to the virtual machine!
  • Customizable Installation - When you go to make a new virtual machine you can choose what GB you want in your storage (don't choose that much!) and you can input how much memory in MB you can have. And in the internet access part where I talk about how you can choose your adapter. You can choose between Wireless and Ethernet.

And Before you download me, search up on the start menu: Turn Windows features on or off, when you open that find Hyper-v and check the box then press OK


Don't Edit, Change and Publish my Programs without permission.

This program can run on: 

this cant run on: windows home

Windows Server Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 (x64; Pro, Enterprise and Education)
Published 3 hours ago
TagsDOS, MS-DOS, operatingsystem, tool, vm


CryptVMare.bat 8.9 kB

Install instructions

STEP 1: search on the start menu: Turn Windows features on or off, when you open that find Hyper-v and check the box then press OK

STEP 2: Download this program from itch.io right-click the .bat file then press run as admin.

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